


名: 吴永红




所在系: 统计学




2007/09-2011/06华中科技大学人工智能与自动化学院   获工学博士

2014/08-2015/08美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校   国家公派全额资助交流访问

2013.10---     太阳集团电子游戏理学院统计学系副教授


大数据分析与建模, 大数据与深度学习、机器学习, 统计预测与智能优化,人工智能与复杂网络











1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“受限水域多元变量耦合作用下超大型油轮富裕水深计算研究”批准号:51479156(2015.1.1-2018.12.31),经费:84

2. 国家自然科学基金“三轴异轨同构数字化磁沥青路面车路协同方法的研究”,批准号:61240048(2013.1-2013.12),经费:18

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“有通讯约束的群集智能混杂网络的渐近行为与优化设计”批准号:61073025(2011.01-2013.12),经费:36

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于多智能体的混合型复杂网络群集动力学及算法研究”批准号:60973039(2010.01-2012.12),经费:30


1. Yonghong Wu, Bin Hu, Zhi-Hong Guan. Consensus problems over cooperation-competition random switching networks with noisy channels. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2018, 30(1): 35-43.(SCI,IF=7.982),JCR Q1 .Google引用15.

2.Yonghong Wu, Bin Hu, Zhi-Hong Guan. Exponential consensus analysis for multiagent networks based on time-delay impulsive systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2017, 49(6): 1073-1080.(SCI,IF=5.131).JCR Q1.Google引用25.

3. Zhi-Hong Guan, Yonghong Wu, Gang Feng. Consensus analysis based on impulsive systems in multiagent networks. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2011, 59(1): 170-178.(SCI,IF=2.823),JCR Q2. Google引用104.

4.Yonghong Wu, Hui Shen. Grey-related least squares support vector machine optimization model and its application in predicting natural gas consumption demand. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 338: 212-220.(SCI,IF=1.632),JCR Q1.Google引用65(ESI高被引论文).

5.Yonghong Wu, Zhi-Hong Guan, Gang Feng. Passivity-based control of hybrid impulsive and switching systems with singular structure. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2013, 350(6): 1500-1512, (SCI,IF=3.576)JCR Q1,Google引用18.

6.Yonghong Wu, Zhi-Hong Guan, Tao Li. Dissipative consensus problems for multi-agent networks via sliding mode control. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354(14): 6282-6291. (SCI,IF=3.576),JCR Q1,Google引用17.

7. Yonghong Wu, Zhi-Hong Guan. Consensus analysis of directed multi-agent networks with singular configurations. Neurocomputing, 2016, 214: 358-367. (SCI,IF=3.317), JCR Q1,Google引用6.

8.Yonghong Wu, Zhi-Hong Guan. On dissipativity and stabilization of time-delay stochastic systems with switching control. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2011, 12(4): 2031-2039.(SCI,IF=2.268),JCR Q1,Google引用9.

9. Lai, Q., Guan, Z. H., Yonghong Wu, Liu, F., & Zhang, D. X. Generation of multi-wing chaotic attractors from a Lorenz-like system. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, (2013).23(09), 1350152. (SCI)

10. Han, G. S., Guan, Z. H., Cheng, X. M., Yonghong Wu, & Liu, F. (2013). Multiconsensus of second order multiagent systems with directed topologies. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 11(6), 1122-1127. (SCI)

11. Xu, G. H., Guan, Z. H., He, D. X., Chi, M., Yonghong Wu. (2014). Distributed tracking control of second-order multi-agent systems with sampled data. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 351(10), 4786-4801. (SCI)

12. Han, T., Guan, Z. H., Yonghong Wu, Zheng, D. F., Zhang, X. H., & Xiao, J. W. Three-dimensional containment control for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles. Journal of the Franklin Institute, (2016).353(13), 2929-2942. (SCI)

13. Qu, F. L., Hu, B., Guan, Z. H., Yonghong Wu H., He, D. X., & Zheng, D. F. Quantized stabilization of wireless networked control systems with packet losses. ISA transactions, (2016). 64, 92-97. (SCI)

14. Zhang, D. X., Zhao, D., Guan, Z. H., Yonghong Wu, Chi, M., & Zheng, G. L. (2016). Probabilistic analysis of cascade failure dynamics in complex network. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 461, 299-309. (SCI)

15. Lai, Q., Hu, B., Guan, Z. H., Li, T., Zheng, D. F., & Yonghong Wu. (2016). Multistability and bifurcation in a delayed neural network. Neurocomputing, 207, 785-792. (SCI)

16.Ding-Xue Zhang, Dan Zhao, Zhi-Hong Guan, Yonghong Wu, Ming Chi, Gui-Lin Zheng

(2016). Probabilistic analysis of cascade failure dynamics in complex network. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 461, 299-309. (SCI)

17. Yue, D., Guan, Z. H., Chen, J., Ling, G., & Yonghong Wu. Bifurcations and chaos of a discrete-time model in genetic regulatory networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017. 87(1), 567-586. (SCI)

18. Chen, C. Y., Guan, Z. H., Chi, M., Yonghong Wu, Liao, R. Q., & Jiang, X. W. Fundamental performance limitations of networked control systems with novel trade-off factors and constraint channels. Journal of the Franklin Institute, (2017).354(7), 3120-3133. (SCI)

19. Ling, G., Guan, Z. H., Hu, B., Lai, Q., Yonghong Wu. Multistability and bifurcation analysis of inhibitory coupled cyclic genetic regulatory networks with delays. IEEE transactions on nanobioscience, (2017). 16(3), 216-225. (SCI)

20 Yue, D., Guan, Z. H., Chen, J., Ling, G., & Yonghong Wu. (2017). Bifurcations and chaos of a discrete-time model in genetic regulatory networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 87(1), 567-586. (SCI)

21. Zhao D, Chi M, Guan Z H, Yonghong Wu, & Chen, J. Distributed estimator-based fault detection for multi-agent networks. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2018, 37(1): 98-111. (SCI)

22. Li, Jingjing, Yonghong Wu(通讯作者). Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm with the Extreme Learning Machine and Its Application for Prediction. Neural Processing Letters, 2022, 54(5): 4189-4209. (SCI)

23. Liu, J., Zhou, N., Qin, K., Chen, B., Yonghong Wu, & Choi, K. S. (2023). Distributed optimization for consensus performance of delayed fractional-order double-integrator multi-agent systems. Neurocomputing, 522, 105-115. (SCI)

24. Yuanshao, Huang, and Yonghong Wu(通讯作者). "Short-Term Photovoltaic Power Forecasting Based on a Novel Autoformer Model." Symmetry 15.1 (2023): 238. (SCI)

25. Yujuan Li and Yonghong Wu(通讯作者). "Long-Short-Term Memory Based on Adaptive Convolutional Network for Time Series Classification." Neural Processing Letters (2023): 1-23. (SCI)

26. Xuzhao Jiang and Yonghong Wu(通讯作者)"Remote Sensing Object Detection Based on Convolution and Swin Transformer," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 38643-38656, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3267435.

27. Ke Lei , Yonghong Wu(通讯作者). Dynamic Multi-Swarm Competitive Fireworks Algorithm for Global Optimization and Engineering Constraint Problems[J]. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, 31(04): 619-648.